COPAZ Programmes

We are currently involved in several programmes aimed at achieving our mission.

Programme Thematic areas:

  • Education and Child protection
  • Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR)
  • Psychosocial support (PSS)
  •  Livelihoods


The Programme focuses on:

  • Improving equal access to primary and secondary education through offering support to marginalised and vulnerable children including those living with disabilities.
  • It also focuses on protecting children from all forms of abuse through offering psychosocial support services and information.

Target group:   Girls and boys below the age of 18.

Programme Goal:
Strengthening the capacity of marginalised girls and boys including those living with disabilities to claim their right to education, protection and child friendly services

Programme Objectives:

  • To improve equal access to education through offering support to vulnerable children.
  • To increase the capacity of marginalised children to claim their rights and make duty bearers accountable.
  • To protect children from all forms of abuse through psychosocial support services and information.
  • To increase the capacity of duty bearers to provide quality child friendly and referral services to vulnerable children.


The programme aims at:

  • Providing sexual Reproductive Health education to youths (18-35 years).
  • Improving the sexual reproductive health of adolescents and youths by raising awareness on sexual reproductive health rights targeting
  • Strengthening the capacity of adolescents and youths to make informed decisions in Sexual Reproductive Health issues
  • Improving access to sexual reproductive health services and information by adolescents and youths through engagement and dialogue meetings with duty bearers

Target group:  Adolescents youths and women (12 – 35 years)

Programme Goal: Improved Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents, Youths and women.

Programme Objectives:

  • To increase the capacity of adolescents and youths to understand and claim their sexual reproductive health rights from duty bearers
  • To improve inclusive participation of  young girls and boys in decisions that affect their sexual reproductive health  rights
  • To increase the  capacity of community and Government  duty bearers  to provide quality, youth friendly Sexual Reproductive Health Rights services and information to adolescents and young girls and boys
  • To improve  policies and laws that promote the sexual reproductive health rights of children and youths


The programme aims at:

  • Strengthening the capacity of marginalised youths and women to cope with their daily lives and earn a profitable and stable income through gender responsive and sustainable income generating activities (IGAs).

Programme Goal:

  • Improved capacity, equal opportunities, access and control over resources by marginalised  Youths and women in marginalised communities.

Programme Objectives:

  • To increase the capacity of  youths and women to claim their right to economic inclusion from duty bearers with specific focus on access to, and control of productive resources

  • To improve household income levels through Income Generating Activities (IGAs)

  • To improve the socio- economic status and decision making powers of marginalised  youths and women through inclusive participation

  • To improve policies and laws that promote the economic inclusion of youths and women through advocacy.

Poultry: The picture shows Salva Mlambo from Mozambique feeding layers.

Poultry Feeding

 Salva Mlambo, one of the targeted eighty (80) young people in the Poultry project in Tongogara Refugee Camp who were trained in Poultry production using funds from TDH Germany.

The training increased the young peoples’ competency and technical skills in income generating activities and their ability to develop their own livelihood strategies. After the training, the group was given start-up kits (Layers, feeds and other equipment) and they started rearing layers for egg production.

COPAZ facilitated the construction of the fowl run for the group and they are already selling eggs to the local and external market. The eggs are contributing to the Nutritional status of the participants and their families. The group is earning a living out of the profits from the Poultry project.


egg production


The picture shows some of the fifty (50) young people who were trained in tailoring for three months. The training increased their technical skills in garment making. They were given start-up kits to start their project as a group. Each group was given sewing machines, fabric and other sewing items.

They are now operating as tailors and earning a living from the project. They are producing uniforms for surrounding schools and other garments demanded by the local people in Tongogara Refugee Camp.

tailoring group

Tailoring group undergoing training

tailoring group
tailoring group


COPAZ facilitated the training of twenty (20) young people in Cosmetology. They were trained by a hired trainer. They were then provided with start-up kits to start their own Cosmetic projects in order to earn a living. They are currently providing their services in the camp. The project is enabling them to earn a living and become self reliant through sustainable income generation. 

Young trainees receiving Cosmetology start-up kits from COPAZ at Tongogara Refugee Camp.